Thursday, October 13, 2011

Perugia and Deruta

Photos: Pattern similar to the pasta bowls I bought; Perugia; Dick enjoying Perugia from a bench
Oct 4
Today we went to Perugia and Deruta. Deruta is on the way to Perugia and is the site of a buying frenzy that Darlene and I had about 15 years ago on our first trip to Italy. Deruta is a town famous for ceramics that are extraordinarily expensive in the U.S. Darlene had asked me to do some shopping for her so, of course, I was obligated to go. We looked in MANY shops, were shocked by the prices but really liked the products. We ended up in the old town which is high on a hill, wandered about a bit and were ready to go when the DEVIL (Dick) said, “you’re not going to BUY anything??!!??” “Nah, I really don’t need anything and everything costs more than Darlene wanted me to spend. Well., maybe we should look in this place ……” I definitely will be going to the poorhouse now. Of course, shipping costs are better if you ship A LOT rather than just one or two things so that just encouraged me. Found the items Darlene wanted, found things I wanted, then MORE things I wanted then Dick found something HE wanted. Yes indeed, another Deruta buying frenzy….great fun!
Perugia is a fairly large town. We found what appeared to be a perfect parking place just outside the wall and then walked UPHILL about 50 mi looking for a restaurant that was recommended in Lonely Planet which we never found. We ended up near the courthouse where there was a huge number of news trucks hanging around because the Amanda Knox trial had just ended the day before and they were still hoping to get further info, interviews with the principals, etc. Lunch was at an out door cafĂ© and was good but just lunch….nothing special. Wandered about a bit to see the sights, found the main churches closed for the afternoon siesta, ate gelato and came back to our apartamento.

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